A busy month
“Children have an absorbent mind. They absorb knowledge from the environment without fatigue. […] This is the moment in the life of man when we can do something for the betterment of humanity and further brotherhood. ”
Maria Montessori
The 1946 London Lectures, p. 150
Regardless of whether the environment of our academic, volunteering, and social activities is our beautiful pre-war Yellow Villa or during integration trips, at any place and at any time, as the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz wrote, we create conditions for our Adolescents to naturally acquire more and more extensive skills.
In September, we visited the Grunwald area and carried out scientific, language, and social projects, taking into account the school, local, and global communities (including our daily duties, volunteering for flood victims, and supporting families affected by childhood cancer). These activities help us build our identity and understand our strengths while working on challenges.
Above all, they foster social brotherhood, allowing us to grow into responsible and engaged citizens of the world.